Ideal Plastic Solution—Extrusion & Recycling

Distribution Of Welfare Packages To Our Employees And Clients In Celebration Of Christmas

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Every 25th of December is a Christmas celebration, which means; Christmas is coming soon, and we at Zhangjiagang Borun Machinery Co., Ltd. are wishing you all Merry Christmas!


Unlike every other festival, Christmas is one of the most celebrated festive periods throughout the world. It is always a memorable season of joy and excitement for everyone; including all our company staff and clients as well.


Since Christmas season is always associated with the showing of love and sharing of gifts. People use the opportunity to show some act of love and kindness to neighbors, friends, and loved ones by sharing and exchanging gifts.


Our company, Zhangjiagang Borun Machinery Co., Ltd that focuses manufacturing on different types of machines, in which plastic pipe extrusion line happens to be one of our core products, has acknowledged the hard work and supports that our employees have given over the years.


Due to this reason, our company is expressing the joy and love for the celebration of Christmas festival by giving our employees some welfare packages to let them know that our company love, care, and appreciate them for their supports over the years.


Also, we have given holidays for our employees so that they can have much time to enjoy the celebration of Christmas with family, friends, and loved ones.


Furthermore, for our employees to enjoy it better, we have packages extra items for their families. Therefore, they will have enough to go round.


This has been our custom as a reliable plastic pipe extrusion line manufacturer over the years to help people that are interested in doing plastic businesses. However, the company's welfare gesture is not limited to the employees only, but also, to our customers that have always believed in the quality of our product.


This is to express the joy and happiness towards improving our company to this level. We can dedication and impact have been the things that have been keeping the company going.

 Merry Christmas

However, the employees have shown their gratitude towards the kind gesture to the company's management. The employees were very happy and thanked the company for all the things they have learned and achieved from the company.


Also, they all promised to work hard and serve us more as a team for the betterment of the company; which is to be the best and leading among its peers that are into manufacturing of plastic pipe extrusion line, not only at the regional level but at the global level as well.


Contact Us for High-Quality plastic pipe extrusion line

We have been one of the top plastic pipe extrusion line manufacturers over the years and a reliable you can always count on.


Contact us today for any of our high-quality extrusion lines, and we'll be happy to do business with you anytime.


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